Amtec Wins Big at CSP Conference!

Amtec wins big at CSP conference! Not one, but two, coveted awards were received by Amtec’s deserving president, Jay Ramos, June 7, 2019, at the annual California Staffing Professionals (CSP) Conference in Irvine, California. CSP is the industry association that represents all staffing professionals within the state.

First, Jay was named the Staffing Professional of the Year,  an award given to a top staffing professional who has demonstrated leadership and contributed to profitability and sustainability within his own organization. As President and part owner of Amtec, a Southern California recruitment firm, Jay functions as the company’s sales leader, spearheading Amtec’s new business development, from enterprise clientele to small to midsize organizations. In 2008, Jay was also a key partner in building an offshore recruiting firm in the Philippines that has grown to provide sourcing and recruiting services not only to his own company but to other staffing companies as well. In CSP, Jay currently serves as President of the Orange County chapter as well as Third Vice President on CSP’s State Board.

In a surprising doubleheader, CSP then presented Jay with the Essey Award, an honor second only to their lifetime achievement award. The Essey Award recognizes the person who has made the most impact on the staffing industry in areas of legislative involvement, community involvement, and education. Having been involved in CSP since 2009, Jay has driven membership, chaired both the annual and owner’s conferences, and served on numerous committees within the State Board. He regularly connects members and industry partners for their mutual benefit, and advocates the use of offshore recruiting to other companies to help them become more efficient and cost-effective. For several years, Jay also has helped lead the legislative charge in Sacramento to promote the positive effects the staffing industry has on the workforce and challenge potential bills that would negatively impact the staffing industry.

As a recipient of the Essey award, Jay received $1,000 to be donated to a charity of his choice. He chose the Leukemia and Cancer Foundation, in memory of his mom.

The California staffing world owes Jay a debt of gratitude for his sacrifice, dedication, leadership, and faithful service. Amtec wins big, not just at the CSP Conference but with every day he helps lead our team. Thanks, Jay!

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