Navigating the New PAGA Landscape: Key Changes and Compliance Tips

California’s Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA) has long been a contentious issue for both employers and employees. However, recent reforms signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom on July 1 aim to bring a new balance to this labor law. The changes, retroactively effective from June 19, seek to streamline the litigation process, improve worker protections, and reduce the burden on businesses. Here’s a breakdown of the key changes and tips for employers to ensure compliance under the new PAGA landscape.

Key Changes in PAGA Reform

1. Penalty Caps

A major shift in the new PAGA reforms is the introduction of penalty caps. Previously, businesses could face substantial penalties, regardless of their compliance efforts. Now, the maximum penalties can be reduced to 15% or 30% of the original amount if employers take proactive measures before or immediately after receiving a PAGA notice. This change encourages businesses to address issues quickly and effectively to minimize financial exposure.

2. Expanded Right to Cure

The right-to-cure provisions have been significantly enhanced. Earlier, few violations under PAGA were curable, leading to numerous lawsuits. The reform now allows more violations to be cured, giving employers a chance to correct their mistakes and avoid penalties. This fosters a more cooperative approach to compliance, reducing the need for litigation.

3. Standing Requirements

The reform tightens the standing requirements for filing a PAGA claim. Previously, any worker could allege a violation and sue on behalf of all employees. The new rules mandate that the plaintiff must have personally experienced the alleged violations and must file the claim within one year. This change aims to prevent frivolous lawsuits and ensures that only directly affected employees can bring forth claims.

4. Nonprofit Exemption

The reforms introduce a narrow exemption for certain nonprofit organizations. Recognizing the unique challenges faced by nonprofits, this exemption provides them with some relief from the stringent penalties that apply to other employers.

Compliance Tips for Employers

1. Conduct Regular Payroll Audits

To stay compliant, employers should conduct regular payroll audits. These audits can identify common violations, such as unpaid overtime or meal and rest break issues. Addressing these issues promptly can help avoid penalties and demonstrate a commitment to compliance.

2. Establish and Enforce Written Policies

Clear, written policies regarding wage and hour practices are essential. Employers should ensure these policies are up-to-date, distributed to all employees, and consistently enforced. This proactive approach can prevent violations and show due diligence in maintaining compliance.

3. Stay Informed on Industry-Specific Regulations

Different industries have specific wage orders that must be followed. Employers should keep themselves informed about these regulations and ensure their policies are in line with industry standards. This helps in avoiding inadvertent violations and associated penalties.

4. Provide Training for Supervisors and Managers

Training supervisors and managers on labor laws and wage and hour rules is crucial. Regular training sessions can help them understand and enforce compliance effectively, reducing the risk of violations and the need for corrective actions.

5. Take Prompt Corrective Actions

When violations are identified, taking immediate corrective actions is vital. This may involve retraining staff, revising policies, or even disciplining those responsible for repeated violations. Documenting these efforts is also important as it shows a proactive approach to maintaining compliance.


The new PAGA reforms bring significant changes that can benefit both employers and employees by promoting compliance and reducing litigation. Employers should take advantage of these changes by implementing strong compliance strategies, conducting regular audits, and providing thorough training for their management teams. By doing so, businesses can minimize their risk of penalties and contribute to a fair and compliant workplace.

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