Contract Staffing

Amtec's Contract Staffing and Contract-to-Hire services offer flexible, dynamic solutions for your immediate talent needs. With a rich history dating back to 1959, we excel in matching highly skilled professionals with your specific project or short-term requirements. We aim to align professionals with your company's culture and objectives, ensuring not just a fit, but a seamless integration. This approach allows for adaptable staffing solutions that support your business's growth and changing needs, while also providing a pathway to permanent employment.

  • $0 to get started
  • 2-day guarantee
  • Contract/Contract-to-Hire
  • Industry-specific recruiters
  • High-quality candidates
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We thoroughly understand your company's contract staffing needs while introducing you to Amtec's tailored approach.



Amtec customizes staffing tools and outlines an interview process tailored for your contract positions.



We identify the top 3-5 candidates, arrange interviews, and perform reference checks for your contract roles.



Amtec handles background checks, compensation negotiations, and assists in crafting offer letters for contract hires, ensuring a seamless onboarding process.



We stay in touch to ensure smooth transitions for your contract staff and provide insights for future contract staffing needs.

Looking for large-scale staffing tailored to your Fortune 500 company?


Why Rely on Amtec to Secure Temporary Professional Talent?

  • More than 60 years of successfully delivering high-quality contract professionals to meet the temporary needs of 14 different business and industry sectors.
  • Comprehensive understanding of every sector served, as well as the unique complexities each face in successfully resolving shorter-term employment needs.
  • Geared towards quick understanding of specific position requirements, company culture norms, and unique employment dynamics.
  • Vast talent network that helps Amtec’s contract team quickly find qualified temporary contractors as needed.
  • Pre-screening interviews, reference checks, background checks, drug testing, and anything else the company requires for the temporary position.
  • Attuned to ensuring that, no matter how long or short the contract time-frame, filling the temporary position will serve as a win-win for the company and contractor.
  • Handles timecards, payroll, and billing to ensure the company meets payroll obligations with flexibility and cost savings.
  • New contractors backed by a two-day performance guarantee.

Amtec seamlessly finds your company the temporary contract professionals it needs so that management can focus on running core operations.

Find Your Next Temporary Professional with Amtec

Your employees are undoubtedly an integral component of your company’s business success. Employment needs, though, can often be put into flux. Along with the standard employment dynamics of losing professional talent in a particular position through promotions, retirement, career changes or competition, companies are often faced with shorter term shifts in specific employment needs. Some companies face annual employment need shifts due to the seasonal nature of their work. Other companies may experience increased worker demand due to consumer trends or the need to implement a short- or longer-term one-time project. And, of course, key members of your workforce may be temporarily sidelined by Illness or various types of leave.

Quickly Fill Temporary Employment Gaps with an Amtec Partnership

No matter what the reason for your temporary employment need(s), Amtec serves as your valuable partner in securing the perfect professional talent to meet those needs. Whether on short notice, pre-planned, or as a longer-term component of your overall employment strategy, a partnership with Amtec ensures that you can always quickly and efficiently fill any gaps that arise in your employment team. Amtec contract staffing also provides savings by eliminating human resources overhead, as our contractors serve on our payroll while working under your company’s supervision.

Amtec Contract Candidates are Vigorously Vetted

All Amtec contract candidates are as vigorously vetted as if we were offering them to you as direct hire candidates. In fact, our process for securing contract hire candidates for our partner companies mimics that of our direct hire recruiting services.

Our contract process begins with a face-to-face meeting that our recruitment specialists use to better understand your company, its unique workplace culture, and temporary position requirements. Amtec's contract staffing recruiters typically come into these meetings with a reasonable understanding of company operations and what different workers do within the organization to maintain them. Naturally, every company is different but Amtec’s decades-long experience in the recruitment business has provided it with a working understanding of each sector it serves and the distinct professional workers each needs.

Our Contract Hire Recruits are Backed by a Two-Day Guarantee

Based on this meeting, Amtec recruiters screen our talent network to identify potential candidates who best fit the parameters of the temporary position. Top candidates are presented to the company, while Amtec conducts any additional screening needed for the position. Once hired, contract hire recruits are backed by a two-day performance guarantee—if they fail to meet expectations, Amtec will find a replacement with no cost to the company for the two days worked.

Quickly Find Qualified Temporary Professionals with Amtec

With headquarters in California and regional offices throughout the West and in the Philippines, Amtec services are available to companies in the Southwest, Northwest, central U.S. and beyond.

Let's Do This!

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