Unexpected Six-Figure Jobs in the U.S.

Guess how much a ship captain in Rhode Island can earn!

It’s amazing what you can find in the Bureau of Labor Statistics! I just discovered this surprising list which Forbes.com published on professions in America where the top-earning 10% of employees in that field earned more than $100,000 in 2011. With each of the 20 professions named, Forbes also lists the top-paying state and the mean annual income. Here are a few that I found intriguing:

The top 10% of elevator installers and repairers make $105,750 on average. (I guess they’ve moved up in the world!) The mean annual income is $73,560 and the top paying state is Massachusetts.

The top 10% of technical writers make $102,250 on average. The mean annual income is $67,280, and California is the top-paying state.

The top 10% makeup artists (theatrical and performance) make $120,050 on average. The mean annual income is $63,710, and the top-paying state is New York.

The top 10% of postsecondary home economics teachers make $110,650 on average! (Who says teachers can’t make good money?!) The mean average income is $68,080, and California is the top-paying state.

Check out Forbes.com’s full photo essay here–it includes writers in California, HR managers in New Jersey, agricultural managers in Kansas, art directors in New York, insurance sales agents in Rhode Island, and my favorite: captains, mates, and pilots of water vessels in Rhode Island! If only I didn’t get seasick just standing on a dock…but who knows, maybe you’ll end up changing occupations or moving to another state to find a better opportunity!

By Marcianne Kuethen

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