4 Don’ts of Workplace Communication

I remember my first cell phone. It was black with eggplant trim, nearly the size of a paver, but I felt so empowered to now be connected to the world from my car, a meeting, a vacation, even the restroom…That’s when I began to realize the necessity of boundaries!

While we are fortunate to be able to communicate now in so many ways, today’s technology makes it possible to stretch the boundaries of good taste in how and how often we communicate with fellow workers.

Do you wonder if your communication methods are an annoyance at work? If so, read the full article here to learn the four cardinal sins of workplace communication, as well as some practical boundaries we all ought to observe.

Got a difficult coworker you don’t know how to deal with? Read these hints.

Originally published on management.fortune.cnn.com by Katherine Reynolds Lewis.

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