A Great Way to Help Furloughed or Laid-Off Employees

Are you looking for a great way to help furloughed or laid-off employees? Recently, national news is reporting that nearly 40 million men and women have filed for unemployment since the pandemic began, only 9 weeks ago. Like you, all of us at Amtec are concerned for all those who have been furloughed and laid off, as well as for the businesses that have been hit so hard by the economic slowdown.

Helping people live fulfilling lives through meaningful careers is not just our business—it is also our passion. So, too, is helping companies like yours build high-performing teams. For that reason, we offered our payrolling service for the months of April and May at a no-profit markup. It’s the same reason we brought in the best possible talent to help complete a need-based program that we call Career Navigation™, a unique online career management course that has been over a decade in the making. It could be just what you’re looking for to help furloughed or laid-off employees recover.

For many years, our CEO, Scott Kuethen, has been developing and using specific tools designed to help career seekers define what they really want and need to thrive in a job before they go find one. At the same time, we’ve also been building a wealth of information and resources for our job seekers and employees. Our goal has always been to help people find meaningful work, for both their benefit and for their employers’, knowing that engaged team members make better contributors to their organizations. 

But the more we worked to help candidates find jobs that were the right fit, the more we realized that most people are not intentional about their career. They have not thought through what they want in a company or a boss, and they haven’t taken into account whether the strengths they have to offer will be fully utilized or appreciated in their place of employment. As a result, many people are not engaged in the work they do day after day–which affects the bottom line of the companies like yours where these people are employed–or were, until the pandemic struck.

With this in mind, we decided to build these tools and valuable guidance into a comprehensive online program and offer it to career seekers. When COVID-19 hit, we realized it would be a great way to help furloughed or laid-off employees. You’ll see why, with the many topics covered in over thirty lessons, such as these:

  • Defining Your Career
  • Self-Awareness
  • Career Scorecard
  • Values
  • Career Management Tools (e.g., cover letter, resume, goal-setting worksheet)
  • Networking
  • Applying for a Job
  • Interviewing (preparing, during, and after)
  • Receiving an Offer…or Not
  • Starting Off Well

The content is delivered in both video and written format to match a career seeker’s learning style and individual pace. Many of the lessons also come with personal homework exercises, samples, tools, and recommendations for other resources that will help them grow personally and be more intentional in both their job search and their career journey. 

To ensure that they won’t get stuck in the learning process, Amtec will be offering enrolled members regularly scheduled Q&As, hosted by Scott Kuethen or other senior leaders. Career seekers will be able to submit their course-related questions in advance of these 90-minute sessions. 

If you’re like many businesses that have had to implement Reduction In Force layoffs, this is a great way to help furloughed or laid-off employees, giving them direction and hope. We have launched this course as a monthly subscription with a free trial for 7 days. For the course alone, the cost is $19.99, and with the weekly Q&A webinar coaching sessions, the subscription is $24.99. Discounts are available to our employers who wish to provide it to multiple furloughed or laid-off employees. For more information, call us at (714) 993-1900, go to Amtec.me, or contact us using the form below.

We are so grateful for your trust and partnership which allows us to continue our over 60-year heritage of being a leading resource of contract staffing, executive search, Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO), and payrolling services. Of utmost importance, we pray for an end to the pandemic and the restoration of our economy.

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