A Missed Opportunity to Hire

Who needs whom more, the employer or the candidate?

You may think that at Amtec, a missed opportunity to hire is the exception rather than the rule. Why would an employer not get to acquire the great employee we’ve presented? Take as an example a recent Marine Planner/Estimator position for a Portland-based client.  Such a position is very niche to begin with and essentially dictates that relocation candidates are a necessary consideration, if not the most probable source of qualified talent.  Well, we worked hard to search, source, network, and screen to find a great match for the job.  Our top candidate came by way of a referral from a local professional working within the same area of focus in the marine industry.

Lose Out with Unexplained Delay

As we engaged the candidate in an interview process with the client, it became apparent that the match between client and candidate was ideal, and the candidate was prepared to relocate for the job.  With an offer in the making, our client stalled the process, and we were left in the dark, uninformed of the reason for delay.  This lack of transparency gave us little promise to keep our candidate engaged in the opportunity. By the time our client was finally prepared to fly the candidate to location and take the final step to offer and hire, the candidate had moved on and was unwilling to continue exploring the opportunity.

Value the Top Talent You’ve Got

In this instance, such a lengthy delay in the interview process created a missed opportunity to hire.  And I believe it was rooted in the misconception that top talent–the professionals who are most skilled and capable of filling the position–will always be available for hire, at the time and choosing of the employer.  In the current candidate’s market, this is rarely the case.

Keep Your Candidate Engaged

With strong market competition in the staffing industry, staffing agencies often find it challenging to source talent that is 1) actively seeking work or a new opportunity, 2) available, and 3) very qualified for a particular position. At Amtec, through our rigorous screening methods and steadfast commitment to client directives, we submit only the most highly qualified candidates for review.  As a relative figure, consider that we place just 3% of the candidates we engage in job discussions. (Yes, we filter out 97% of the candidates who come up in our searches before we present qualified candidates to you!)  So you can imagine that when we find that ideal candidate in whom we are particularly confident as a great match for a job and company culture, we’re eager for you to be proactive with engaging the candidate in a hire track timeline that is steady, transparent, and committed to an outcome with mutual interests in mind.

Understand the Symmetry of Need

For job seekers, the candidate-driven market has been a career booster, says Jibe.com. But for employers, the candidate-driven job market means that many priorities need to be reevaluated. Talent acquisition leaders, hiring managers and recruiters all need to step forward now and make changes to stay competitive in the labor market. A robust candidate experience, a meaningful employer brand, attractive salaries and benefits–these are just some of the factors that can appeal to candidates.”

Yet, in spite of the ongoing candidate’s market, we find it a common misconception by potential employers that the candidate’s need for a job outweighs the employer’s need for a good hire!  This type of power dynamic often leads to missed hiring opportunities at worst, and delayed starts at best.  In contrast, when employers act from the perspective that there is a symmetry of need–equal magnitude between an employer’s hiring need and candidate job need–an atmosphere of success is created, and the loop between employer, job seeker, and recruiter is complete and functional.

Retain Your Front Runner

As an experienced executive search consultant, my advice to you employers is, when the match is there, move forward swiftly with the intent to hire to increase the odds that your position will be filled with the right person.  We understand due process when evaluating multiple candidates and assessing the available hiring budget, but only timely action will retain a front runner to the point of offer and prevent a missed opportunity to hire.  To me, this indicates an employer’s respect for and understanding of the demands placed on today’s job seekers.  And it is this kind of respect that fosters a balanced and mutually beneficial relationship, built for success.

Do you need help acquiring top professionals? Let Amtec find you the best candidates, set you up to successfully interview them, and assist with offer negotiations, reference checks, and background checks. Click here or call (714) 993-1900 to start your search.

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