A More Agile Workforce

One of my favorite things to do as a kid was to put a coin in the bubblegum machine at the market and twist that silver lever. The colorful little ball of gum that popped out was instant gratification, a perfect burst of sweetness for that moment in time.

In the workforce, an increasing number of employers are experiencing that same sense of gratification as they choose to use temporary or contract employees in order to retain both flexibility and scalability. If you’ve been wishing you could have a more agile workforce, employers, you may want to partner with a reliable recruitment company that can deliver expert professionals just when you need them. Not only do contract workers step in to fill the immediate gap, but they often bring expertise your permanent workers haven’t yet acquired. And you can say “When!” as soon as you no longer require their services.

A Shift in the Labor Force

According to the American Staffing Association (ASA), employers’ use of temporary and contract workers is rising. There are nearly three million temporary workers in the workforce currently, and more than half of employers have told CareerBuilder that their 2017 plans include hiring contract workers to retain pliability in their staffing.

What is causing this shift in the labor force? The predominant reason is that many employers are seeking a more agile workforce. You’ve probably been there–rather than committing to hire someone permanently or indefinitely, you’d prefer to find someone simply to complete your current project or meet an immediate deadline. It’s like that bubblegum machine, dispensing just what you need, right when you need it.

Another factor could be the increasing competition for knowledge workers. Unemployment is down, the economy is up, and there just aren’t enough qualified workers to fill all the nation’s open positions.

Also, while older generations prefer job stability, up-and-coming Millennial workers prefer to be paid for what they produce, not whether or not they are at work from 9 to 5 every day. Temporary or contract work provides the flexibility many Millennials desire.

Of course, the time-tested reason, says Patricia Schaefer of BusinessKnowHow.com, is that “the cost of hiring temp workers is often cheaper than the cost of hiring permanent employees with benefits. In the short term, it is generally more cost-efficient to hire a temp.   For jobs that are expected to last six months or longer, it may pay to hire a full-time employee.” Not only can you save money, says Schaefer, but you save energy because “when you employ an agency, it – not you – becomes the temp worker’s employer.   The agency is responsible for and bears the financial burden of recruiting, screening, testing and hiring workers; payroll expenses and paperwork; payroll and withholding taxes; unemployment and workers’ compensation insurance; and any employee benefits they may wish to provide.”

Prospective Users of Temporary Professionals

CareerBuilder found that three industries are especially likely to increase their use of temp workers this year: IT, Manufacturing, and Healthcare organizations. Temporary or contract workers can expect to see more jobs available particularly in the fields of software development, nursing (RNs), accounting and auditing, HR, and machinists. It’s estimated that by 2020, “199,639 new jobs will have been added to the temporary help services industry, which amounts to a solid 7% rate of growth, according to Emsi data.”

More Stability for Contract Workers

Not only are temporary jobs being added, but many employers are expanding assignments by one to six months or more. For candidates who want a more reliable income source, this is great news. On the other hand, more than 63% of employers also shared that they plan to shift some contract workers into permanent positions this year, a good sign for talent looking for more stable work.

If you’re looking for a more agile workforce, then join the ranks of employers who have discovered the benefits of using employment agencies like bubblegum machines! Get instant gratification from hiring temporary and contract professionals who are ready to roll and can bring you the help you need right now.

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