Be Selective in Your Job Search

Many of you have experienced the warm-hearted, compassionate personality of our receptionist as you’ve walked through our door. I personally have loved hearing her melodic voice greet each person as if he or she is a treasured guest. It’s hard to put a value on a good receptionist!

Sadly, Chandra is leaving us. Her husband received a promotion and job transfer, so she has begun looking for a job in their new location. In fact, she told me she’d already had one interview, but the rotating hours were unpredictable and unappealing. As she was leaving, she recalled that a previous employer thought she wasn’t very hard-working because she left every day at closing time, 5 p.m., while some employees stayed till 7:30 unpaid for love of the company. It occurred to me that, although Chandra has worked here at our staffing company for quite a while, she may need some advice as she searches for a new job–and the advice might be useful to you too!

Here are simple two things I’d like Chandra and you or any other job-seeker to keep in mind:

1) You are a beautiful, unique person–so don’t apply for just any job. You have something special to offer the right organization. If you’re a warm-hearted, compassionate person, don’t apply for a job that’s run like the military and won’t incorporate your gifts! If you love working with kids or writing and editing, or whatever it is that stirs you, look for a job in an organization that will value and utilize your unique gifts. Don’t just settle for working–you want a role where you can pour out your passion and feel purposeful.

2. You are worth finding a good culture fit–so don’t apply at just any organization. Read between the lines of the job posting. Get referrals from friends. Look up the company and don’t stop at researching what they produce or whom they serve–find out what they value and why they exist. If you’ve already worked at a place where you weren’t a good fit, don’t get stuck in a place like that again! Take the opportunity in your interview to learn more than just the details of the role. Ask specific questions about the company culture before you say yes to a job offer. (For a real-life example of two companies with completely different cultures, click here.)

In a nutshell, look for meaningful work! If you’re reading this post, you probably know that our mission at Amtec is to help people find meaningful work, and to help companies build high-performing teams. Those two things go hand-in-hand. If you enjoy and find purpose in the work you do, the likelihood is strong that you will also be a high performer, make a strong contribution, and infect others with your enthusiasm. So be selective in your job search. Your career is worth your holding out for work you love and a company where you can truly belong.

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