Career Navigation™ to Help You Find a Job

Are you one of the millions of people who need to find a job because of the recent pandemic? Our hearts go out to you, and we are here for you in a new way. This week, Amtec launched its Career Navigation™ online course to help job seekers find a job, but also a fulfilling career path.

So you know how most people just kind of float through their careers taking whatever the next opportunity is in front of them? Unfortunately, that next opportunity isn’t necessarily the one they’d have chosen for themselves, and it doesn’t always lead to a more fulfilling career. Well, our new course not only provides the map to help navigate your career path as a whole, but also provides the tools to create the best opportunities for yourself along the way.

Whether you’re looking to land your first job, planning to transition to a next position within or outside your current company, or hoping to change careers entirely, this course is for you!

For decades, our CEO, Scott Kuethen, has been developing and using specific tools designed to help career seekers define what they really want and need before they go find a job. We’ve also been building a wealth of information and resources for our job seekers and employees for many years. Our goal has always been to help people find meaningful work.

But the more we worked to help people find a job, the more we realized that most people are not intentional about their career. They have not thought through what they want in a company or a boss, and they haven’t taken into account whether the strengths they have to offer will be fully utilized or appreciated in their place of employment. As a result, many people are not engaged in the work they do day after day.

It could be that you’re one of those dissatisfied people and you’re looking to find a job. In that case, you could use help to outperform competing candidates. Or, perhaps you want to stay in your current workplace, but you’re wondering how to make it a more fulfilling experience.

You are the reason we recently decided to build these tools and valuable guidance into a comprehensive online program and offer it to career seekers like you. We are excited about the many topics covered in over thirty lessons, and we think you will be too! Here are just some of the lesson topics covered in the course:

  • Defining Your Career
  • Self-Awareness
  • Career Scorecard
  • Values
  • Career Management Tools (e.g., cover letter, resume, goal setting worksheet)
  • Networking
  • Applying for a Job
  • Interviewing (preparing, during, and after)
  • Receiving an Offer…or Not
  • Starting Off Well
  • Asking for a Raise or Promotion

The content is delivered in both video and written format to match your learning style. Many of the lessons also come with personal homework exercises, samples, tools, and recommendations for other resources that will help you grow personally and be more intentional in both your job search and your career journey.

Even better, if you get stuck in the learning process, we’ve got you covered! With enrollment in the course, Amtec will be offering regularly scheduled Q&As, hosted by Scott Kuethen or other senior leaders. You’ll be able to submit your course-related questions in advance of these 90-minute sessions.

The course is being offered on a subscription basis to make sure you get as little or as much help as you need during your career journey. For just the course, it’s $19.99 per month, and for the course and accompanying Q&A it’s $24.99 per month. The best part is, you can try it free for 7 days! If you need the tools to help you not only find a job but also start targeting opportunities that will enhance your entire career, now is the ideal time to sign up for the Career Navigation™ course.

Amtec actively serves customers all over the United States who seek top professionals with well-rounded skills. If we don’t have the most current version of your resume, please click here to post it, and visit our job board while you’re at it! You or a friend might be a good fit for one of our open positions.

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