Finding You the Perfect Fit

When you entrust your career to a recruiter, you take a leap of faith. Will your recruiter truly have your best interest at heart? How will he or she balance out trying to please the employer and fairly represent you as well?

It’s a valid concern, cautions the Wall Street Journal. “Identifying and connecting with recruiters who specialize in your area of expertise can be very worthwhile — though candidates should remember that recruiters are paid by the employer, and will put that employer’s interests first.” It’s true that there are unscrupulous recruiters out there. But the way we see it, finding you the perfect fit means you’re a great match for the open job, which serves the employer’s interests perfectly!

You might be surprised at how much care our recruiters at Amtec take to make sure you get the best opportunity. To illustrate how our recruiters look out for you, their candidates, here are four true stories about some of the Amtec heroes I get to work with:

“Take Their Offer!”

Bryson, one of our recruiters, shared this about a fellow recruiter: “This morning I overheard Keely talking to a candidate about getting an offer from another company. The candidate had asked for advice about what to do and Keely responded,’If you can stall this offer and interview with our client, do so, but if you think this other position is going to be best for your career, take their offer.’ This was great at showing care for the candidate and leads back to our mission statement ‘Helping candidates find meaningful work.’ Great job,  Keely. That’s not a fun conversation to have, but you killed it!”

Listening Between the Lines

Brian, another Amtec recruiter,  was working an order for a manufacturing engineer from an out-of-state company he had been serving. They weren’t even sure what they were looking for but had given him a few lines of description with some key words, which they’d been unsuccessful using themselves. Because Brian had an ongoing relationship with them and was a good listener, he understood what their process involved and knew what types of disciplines and skills this new employee would need to have. When he began searching, Brian found a candidate who was not a manufacturing engineer but seemed like a perfect fit. As a process engineer, he had all the unique skills and specialized experience the employer was looking for. Even better, he was more than willing to relocate out of state. After he got the job, here’s what the candidate wrote to Brian:

Please find below my sincere and honest feedback on working with you and your team: You and your team are outstanding professionals who are a credit to Amtec. Every interaction with you was anchored with professionalism, honesty, and integrity. You are truly experts at matching the right talent to the right employer.

It is very difficult to capture the many positive aspects of working with your team in a few sentences. It is a rare privilege to work with such prompt and courteous professionals. You truly did your research and were able to deftly translate the complex needs of the employer to successfully meet their staffing requirements. This to many would be an extremely daunting task, yet you did it with an elegant gracefulness.

I truly appreciate your team’s efforts and hard work that culminated in this success.

Be Selfish About Your Career

Scott Kuethen, our CEO and long-time recruiter, doesn’t want candidates to just accept the first job that comes along, even if it’s one Scott is trying to fill. He can regularly be heard giving candidates this wise advice: “I don’t generally think selfishness is a good characteristic except in the case of taking care of your career. When it comes to your career, you should be very selfish about what is important to you. Accepting a new position is a career decision. The impact it has on your life is probably not as significant as getting married, but it’s as potentially important as a significant financial investment such as buying a house. Don’t make that decision without careful consideration.” He then recommends using a career scorecard and enlisting trusted outside advisors to help you evaluate whether the current opportunity fits into your career objectives. If you do such an evaluation and still want to talk, he’s always happy to help you further explore the open job.

You’re Worth So Much More

Keely, the recruiter from my first story, was prescreening a candidate–let’s call him Vee–for an engineering position. Vee mentioned that, recently, he’d spoken with another Amtec recruiter. Vee said this gentleman had been very impressed with his resume and had expressed that Vee was the perfect candidate for the position, but that he could not submit Vee because he deserves so much more in salary for his experience. Keely asked Vee if he had spoken with  Brian.

Vee said, “Yes! It was Brian! I so greatly appreciated Brian’s honesty and it made me feel so valued as an employee, even to this day.” Through his honesty, Brian demonstrated care and integrity. Some recruiters might have tried to persuade the candidate to accept less than what he was worth and get an easy fill, but Brian decided to look out for Vee instead. Keely shared, “From what I have seen with the way he has handled other candidates, I knew without the candidate’s saying his name that it was Brian. What an inspiration!”

When it comes to choosing a recruiter whose main goal is finding you the perfect fit, keep these stories in mind. Do what’s best for your career, be selfish, know your value, and find a good recruiter who is all about you and your goals!

Candidates, do we have the most current version of your resume? If not, click here to post it, and visit our job board for professional and technical jobs while you’re at it! You or a friend might be a good fit for one of our open positions. Also, join our Talent Network to receive updates and alerts with new job opportunities that match your interests.

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