Great One-Liners for Job Postings

“Come change the world one robot at a time!”

Ever have trouble coming up with a catchy phrase that will grab the attention of the kind of candidate you want to attract? Then read this short article from to jumpstart the flow of your own ideas.

Here’s an example from a contest on This was Ernest Shackleton’s 1907 ad in the London’s Times, recruiting a crew to sail with him on his exploration of the South Pole:

Wanted. Men for hazardous journey.
Low wages. Bitter cold.
Long hours of complete darkness.
Safe return doubtful.
Honor and recognition in the event of success.

Without the catchy phrase at the end, the first four lines would only attract a masochist!

I hope this spurs on your creativity as you think about what your company has to uniquely offer the candidates you want to attract.

Article originally published on by John Zappe and Todd Raphael.

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