How Loyal Are Your Employees?

The statistics from CareerBuilder’s 2012 Candidate Behavior study show that a high percentage of your employees are actively looking or open to another opportunity–millennials at 81 percent, baby boomers at 70 percent. These passive employees are also actively checking out potential employers by consulting, on average, “nearly 15 resources per job search – including company career sites, Facebook, online job boards, employer review sites (such as, professional and personal networks and staffing and recruiting firms – before they even decide to apply to a job.”

For employers, this means two things:
1) Brush up on your managerial skills and beef up your employee recognition programs!
2) If your website and social media sites are outdated, now’s a great time to polish them up and put your best foot forward!

Whenever you hire through Amtec, we include our valuable Performance Acceleration tool to help you increase your new employee’s drive to become and stay engaged.

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