How to Be Your Employees’ Favorite Boss

In the span of your career, have you had a boss you really liked? Since then, have you wondered how to be your employees’ favorite boss? Being a great manager who makes people want to stay takes intentionality. I got to thinking recently about one of the best bosses I ever had, and seven things that made her so great:

1. She valued, trusted, and believed in me. She didn’t have to be an expert at grammar, proofreading, and editing, because she knew I had that department covered.

2. She welcomed questions and drop-in visits. I’m a pretty independent worker, but when I had a question, I could always drop by, or at least signal through the glass door to talk later if she was on the phone.

3. She made me an integral part of her team. I enjoyed our team meetings because we each saw how our piece of the job fit with the whole. Seeing the larger picture and knowing that people were depending on me motivated me to meet my deadlines.

4. She exercised a sense of humor. There could’ve been plenty of tense moments, but my boss could always find a smile or joke to encourage us in the middle of several big projects.

5. She gave me regular reviews. I didn’t have to wonder if I was on track. She gave me regular feedback on how well I was doing and ways I could improve, and she asked about my goals and dreams.

6. She led by example. She worked hard, often putting in more hours than any of us.

7. She cared enough about me personally to flex when my life changed. Once I became a mom, she allowed me to cut back my hours and work remotely part-time.

If you want to know how to be your employees’ favorite boss, realize that it’s not a popularity contest. It’s a retention issue, says author and speaker Bernard Marr, and improving your skills as a manager should be as important to you as improving your employees’ skills. Since a lack of communication is the biggest problem workers have with their bosses, he advises improving your communication skills and creating a culture of openness.

Marr also emphasizes the importance of giving recognition and praise, being the mentor your employees secretly long for, fostering a sense of community at work, and creating a safe place to try even if they fail. More than money, your employees want a place where they can belong, contribute, and succeed. To read the full article, click here.

Great bosses are unforgettable. Of course, so are bad ones. Which one do you want to be?

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