How to Keep the Good Workers You Already Have

As an employer, you’re probably sick of hearing about the war for talent and the danger of high turnover. Yet every week, our recruiters speak with professionals who plan to leave their current employer to pursue a better career opportunity somewhere else. The possibility of losing some of your best workers is a reality in 2016. But rather than be discouraged about the talent shortage, it’s more constructive to focus on how to keep the good workers you already have.

We recently discussed what to expect in 2016, including higher salaries, increased competition for good candidates, and longer hiring times. But keeping your best workers really boils down to employee engagement–a factor you can positively influence today. To improve your employee engagement, Jack Welch recommends that you begin by regularly asking yourself these 6 questions:

  1. Has my team really bought into the mission?
  2. Do they understand where we’re going, and why we’re doing what we do to get there?  Equally important, or perhaps more important, have I made it clear to them what’s in it for them when we get there?
  3. Am I celebrating their achievements, reaching the milestones we’ve established?
  4. Am I coaching them in a constructive manner so that they feel I have their back?
  5. Do they always know where they stand?
  6. Have I given them the freedom and the authority to raise these same questions with their team?

Welch also recommends that you conduct a yearly blind Employee Engagement survey, with one of the questions being, In your everyday work, do you experience the message that management is preaching in meetings, speeches, and annual reports?

If the answer is no, you may start seeing symptoms of low employee engagement–problems such as low morale, interpersonal conflict, underperformance, and decreased productivity. When your team exhibits such symptoms, suggests Scott Kuethen, Amtec’s CEO, it’s helpful to conduct a 360-degree assessment of your organization to learn whether all your departments and teams are aligned with your company goals.

In a 360-degree assessment,, an employee’s self-review is combined with anonymous feedback from those surrounding him or her, including co-workers, supervisors, direct reports, and sometimes even customers. This feedback gives you a fuller picture of how the person’s skills and demeanor are viewed by others, and tells you about their strengths and developmental needs. When you undergo a 360 as well, you learn how you’re leading, straight from your direct reports. The assessment process builds trust and strengthens lines of communication as employees see that you value their opinions and experiences.

If you’re looking ahead at the labor market with discouragement, you may find it more beneficial to focus on how to keep the good workers you already have. Improving your employee engagement will not only benefit your current employees but help attract new ones when you’re ready to make another hire.

Do you need help acquiring top professionals? Amtec can help you land the best people by actively marketing your job opportunities, connecting you to passive job seekers, and assisting with offer negotiations. Click here or call (714) 993-1900 to get your search started.

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