It’s All About Quality Relationships

When I was 16, my dad hired me to come to work at Amtec every day after school. I helped the full-time secretaries out by typing up candidate cards (this was before computers, so every candidate had to have a card coded with his or her disciplines), filed resumes (we had a whole room filled with filing cabinets!), answered phones (the kind you dialed!), and greeted employees who came in to drop off their time cards or pick up their checks. Why am I taking you on a walk down Nostalgia Lane? Because it’s all about quality relationships. I typed, filed, and heard the same names of Amtec professionals and employers over and over…not just that year, but over the next few years and even decades.

Whether they were contract workers or permanent hires, the people who worked for us became important to us. And the employers with whom we worked weren’t just faceless entities–they became friends whom we wanted to succeed. We established relationships with all of them, and as they grew their families, acquired new skills, changed jobs, or grew their companies, they called upon us to journey with them into the next phase of their lives over and over again. To me, it was and continues to be an honor and a joy to be a part of a company that helps people find meaningful work and build quality professional teams.

Although my dad has been gone for many years, the company he grew continues to build relationships that matter. The workforce has changed in the past 30 years, but not the value of a relationship with a staffing company and a good recruiter. says, “In generations past, a young adult would enter the workplace directly from high school or college. An entry-level position would last for a few years, allowing the worker to get a feel for the environment and then move up in the company. Workplace loyalty meant 30-plus years on the job. Now, present and future generations can expect to change their careers and lifestyles multiple times during their adult lives. The temporary staffing industry is well suited for many depending on personal and professional objectives.”

I love walking by our bull pen and hearing recruiters conversing with Amtec candidates about their career goals. Here’s a recent story from Candice, one of our recruiters, that illustrates what I mean (all names have been changed to protect anonymity):

About a year ago, I got to work with Nick, a candidate for a managerial role with ABC Inc., one of our clients.  At the time, ABC liked him enough to interview him a couple of times. Nick was very gracious with them, despite the fact that ABC’s hiring process moved very slowly and feedback was given very sparingly along the way. Ultimately, ABC decided not to move forward with Nick, who stayed with his current employer but continued to keep his eye out for another job.

About six months later, I came across Nick’s resume and remembered the positive experience I’d had with him during the interview process. After contacting Nick again and confirming his interest, I presented him to a new company that really liked him. They moved quickly, made the offer, and hired him as a Project Manager. Nick starts next week!

We never know if or how we’ll run into the same people again down the road–although once Amtec and a candidate establish a relationship, the likelihood is stronger. But this story demonstrates the importance of our interactions.  Because he was professional and positive in their interaction a year ago, Candice did not hesitate to reach out to him again and ended up connecting him with a great opportunity.

Scott Kuethen, our CEO, often says that what he loves about the work we do is that it’s a win-win-win. When we do our job and listen well to both our client company and our client candidate, everyone wins! The employer adds a much-needed professional to the team, their new employee finds meaningful work, and we get the satisfaction of helping orchestrate a great match! It’s all about quality  relationships. Thanks for entrusting your careers and staffing needs to us and letting us serve you. We couldn’t do our job without your patience, personality, skills, feedback, and commitment.

Amtec actively serves customers all over the United States who seek top professionals with well-rounded skills. Candidates, if we don’t have the most current version of your resume, please click here to post it, and visit our job board while you’re at it! You or a friend might be a good fit for one of our open positions. Also, to receive updates and alerts with new job opportunities that match your interests, join our Talent Network.

Employers, click here or call (714) 993-1900 to request an employee or discuss a workforce management issue.

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