Motivating Employees Without Spending Money

In the work place, we often mistakenly believe that money is the easiest way to motivate employees. As employers, we tend to think that paying them a good wage should be enough reason for them to diligently pursue the goals we’ve set for them. Yet money alone does not equal happy employees. Today’s workforce is looking for more than just a paycheck–they want purpose and engagement. With that in mind, here are a few ways that go beyond simply spending money to help you get the most out of your employees:

1. Make employees feel needed and appreciated.
This is a no-brainer! Take every opportunity to tell your employees in as many ways as possible that your organization cannot succeed without their help. When you do this, they feel valued. Also, where possible, include them in decision-making tasks to demonstrate that you value their opinion and advice.

2. Help employees in specific and actionable ways.
Avoid using phrases like “Work harder” and “We need to do better.” Be specific in giving practical ways the team can work harder together, and make your suggestions easy to follow. Be friendly and available to encourage and assist with improvements.

3. Inspire the employees, not the organization.
Don’t ask employees to help the organization. Inspire your staff with stories about real people and how they have impacted and changed lives through their work. According to a new Deloitte survey, a sense of purpose is the best motivator, so figure out what your company’s purpose is, and communicate it frequently to capitalize on it!

4. Stay connected and communicate on both channels.
Keeping up regular communication with employees is easier today with mobile devices and social media. You can offer tips, training, and organizational tools to keep your employees engaged. But be sure to offer in-person contact, too. No one wants to be managed solely by email.

5. Develop a community in the workplace.
Creating a sense of community in the office helps employees feel more connected to each other, not just to the business. At Amtec, we believe in a fun monthly outing that can be as simple as going out to ice cream together to allow our team the opportunity to be more personal with each other outside of the office. Team outings such as lunch, after-hours events, and company picnics will encourage employees to feel more like a family and be more motivated to work efficiently.

6. Show that your employees are different from others.
Use social media and other outlets to highlight your employees’ successes and special events. When the team fulfills a goal or a client gives accolades to an employee, publicize it. There is no motivation more powerful then publicly letting an employee know he or she made a difference in the workplace.

7. Invest in your employees’ career.
Sending employees to conferences shows them you value them and are wanting to invest in their career and professional growth. At Amtec, we realize that not every employee will stay with us forever. But we’ve still made it our mission to equip them so that even if they plateau here, they are prepared for whatever comes next.

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