You’ve Got a Job Offer! Now What?

By Stephanie Navasu, Assistant Branch Manager

Being on the job hunt is scary stuff, whether you are currently working or unemployed. After several months of applying and talking to recruiters, and interviewing, and submitting your resume, that oh, so sweet moment when you get an offer is probably one of the most exciting, anxious, craziest moments of pure joy and fear you will probably ever experience. OK, that may have been exaggerated a little, but you get the picture.  Below are don’ts and dos to help you through the process of what to do once the offer comes:


  • Don’t have ulterior motives. So many people accept offers thinking they really just want a raise from their current employer. Never do that. Not only does it hurt your reputation, but studies have also shown that counteroffers are just temporary fixes.
  • Don’t accept an offer because you have to. The old saying “work because you want to, not because you have to” comes in to play here. Don’t accept a job that you aren’t passionate about just because you have bills to pay or you’re desperate. If you hold out for the right opportunity, the right opportunity will come your way. You need to follow your passion, not your pocket book.
  • Don’t accept an offer if you’re feeling unsure. Whenever you make a decision about anything, you want to make sure that you are set in the direction you’re going. Don’t accept a position knowing that you may not really go through with it. Your reputation in your industry is at stake here. Be confident in the decision you are making. If you aren’t sure, ask for a few days to think it over. On a side note, if you’re taking all that time to interview, you should be pretty darn sure you’re going to accept when an offer comes, any way.
  • Don’t just up and quit your current position without the standard two weeks’ notice, even if your current position is a contract. Be courteous enough to give your previous employer adequate time to replace you. Always be professional.


  • Once you’ve accepted the offer, sign the paperwork and get it sent in immediately. Take care of any required physicals and background tests ASAP.
  • Once everything is a GO, put in your two weeks’ notice. This is always a little bit of a challenge for some people, but you just have to go in there and do it. Be prepared to stick with your word and not discuss any sort of counteroffer. You’ve already given your word to your new employer.
  • Wrap up any last-minute details at your current position. Clear communication and knowledge transfer are always the best ways to finish out.
  • Lastly, CELEBRATE! Take your family out for dinner and movies. Hang out with friends and enjoy the moment. Change is good, and the time and effort you put into all those conversations with recruiters, interviews, and resume edits has finally paid off.

Want to learn how to get off to a great start in your new job? Read more.

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