Introducing Amtec Hire Guides

The Authoritative Resource For Recruiting and HR Professionals

To help recruiters and HR leaders make crucial hiring decisions, Amtec has published more than 700 comprehensive hiring guides, recruiting resources to help find and hire top professionals in industries including engineering, construction, finance, and more. These informational guides help develop job descriptions, determine compensation, and recruit high-quality candidates.

What’s Included in the Hire Guides?

Amtec hire guides contain all the vital information about a specific job title, including typical salary ranges, job responsibilities, special skill sets, and education needed. The guides also provide location-specific information customized for 33 cities across California, Arizona, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington. 

For example, if you need to hire a construction project manager in Las Vegas, this is the place to start. Looking to recruit a CFO in San Jose? With all the information about the job and location in one place, you can write a job description and get a better understanding of what it will take to find the candidate who is the right fit for your company. 

“We understand how challenging it is for HR leaders to source the best candidates for open positions,” said Scott Kuethen, CEO of Amtec, Inc. “Understanding the full scope of a job, including the pertinent information about compensation, demand, competencies, and even the soft-skills needed saves time, but more importantly, ensures you are finding the right fit for your team.”

To view all Amtec Hire Guides, please visit

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