How We Help You Hire Better

Over the years, I’ve enjoyed woodworking in my garage. One thing I’ve learned is that, in order to build that shelf or dresser, if I don’t have the right tools or I use the wrong ones, my project will take longer and probably not turn out as well as I’d hoped. The same is true with recruitment agencies. While it may seem that all staffing firms basically do the same thing, not all have the best tools to make a great hire. At Amtec, we have developed just the right tools to help you land high performers to build your team. Here’s what’s in our tool belt:

Experience: With 57 years of experience, we are among the most experienced in staffing. We really know what we’re doing when it comes to the process, client needs and expectations, the candidate marketplace, and the disciplines we represent. We understand that you need to hire people who make contributions to your operation, and we strive to be your strategic partner.

Specialty: We specialize in recruiting for professional technical, business operations, and leadership positions. We are discipline-focused rather than industry-focused. We are not a skilled labor/light industrial labor agency or a professional Office Depot, although we do have a team that focuses on large staffing programs that provide these discipline types.

Better Process: We believe that better process produces better results. Our process for Direct Hire and Contract is rock-solid, represents best practice, and is likely more robust than the processes many of our clients use. From the beginning of each search, we work to understand your specific underlying needs to find candidates who are the right fit. Our recruiting operations are comparable to a specific, strategically focused, finely-tuned recruiting, selection, and hiring machine. Our job is to look for ways in which we can help you improve your recruiting effectiveness and long-term results. The consultative nature of our approach sets us apart from other staffing companies.

Proprietary tools: On the Direct Hire side of our business, we’ve developed a set of proprietary tools to accompany our best practice process. We also have access to external tools you might not normally have in your arsenal, tools that combine with our own to help us find you the best talent for your position.

a. Position Profile: More comprehensive than a job description, our very specific format will help your organization improve its hiring process through an well-developed specification.

b. Competency catalog: We’ve developed a catalog of core competencies, some of which are present in each position. This tool helps your decision makers better define what they expect from the person your company is trying to hire.

c. Market Rate Compensation Report:  As a savvy employer, you don’t want to overpay to gain a good employee…or be in danger of losing a great candidate because your offer is too low. This compensation report tells you the appropriate range of pay for your open position so you can make a job offer with confidence.

d. Supply and Demand Report: If you’re wondering how difficult or easy it will be to find the type of candidates you need, this is the perfect tool for you. The supply and demand report tells you how many candidates are available for your type of open position, and where they are located by region.

e. Access to Proprietary Database, Job Boards, and More: We can help you source candidates in your industry, whether they come from our own database, the major job boards, or other networks.

f. Behavioral Interview Guide: Behavioral interview questions are effective to learn about candidate behavior and predict how they are likely to behave if they are hired in the position for which you’re interviewing them. Although you may value this concept, making the time to actually develop quality questions can be a challenge. We create behavioral interview guides for your open positions to improve the quality of your interviews. Unlike other agencies who are just selling candidates, we want to help you find the right team member.

g. Professional Assessment Questionnaire (PAQ): This individually customized questionnaire exposes your decision makers to candidates’ competence in written communication skills and to their thinking processes and beliefs.

h. Great Start Tool: Customized for your specific job opening, this tool is where you define success for the newly hired employee–and set them up to thrive in their new job. Its creation is based on Michael Watkins’ book, The First 90 Days.  The Great Start Tool can revolutionize how you hire and build your culture, if you choose to use it.

Quality: The vast majority of employment agencies believes that their job is to search resumes for a few key words and send you as many resumes as they can. They hope that someone will stick, even if only a few come close to hitting the mark as being worthy of an interview. We understand that this shotgun approach just creates more work and frustration for you.

At Amtec, our job is to carefully filter out candidates who aren’t a good fit, not to flood you with candidate resumes that aren’t a good match. Realizing that your time is valuable, we prescreen every candidate and are extra careful in whom we choose to present. Also, we stand behind every candidate we place with a replacement guarantee so you can feel confident in your hiring decision. (Your recruiter can give you the details.)

Personal Attention: We give you the attention you’d receive from a boutique chain, but with the resources of the bigger guys. Plus, your recruiter truly enjoys helping you build a high-performing team and helping candidates find meaningful work. Because of this, he or she will act like your partner, not just a resume mill.

The bottom line is, we aren’t like any other agency or, in fact, every other agency you may have worked with or spoken to. We differentiate ourselves through our experience, specialization, better process, unique tools, quality, and personal attention. We are passionate about what we do, and we look forward to helping you hire your next high performer. Click here or call (714) 993-1900 to start your search or get assistance with a workforce management issue.

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